Thursday, August 23, 2007

17 Weeks (August 17 - 23)

17 weeks had passed and now I'm definitely feeling pregnant and looking pregnant as well. I took these photos 2 days ago for a blogging ad assignment regarding the blouse I'm wearing. Ok, so after three pregnancies (not counting the 2 miscarriages), I finally became a model, lol!

Anyway, my belly is still itching like crazy. Sometimes, I'd use hubby's hair brush to scratch it. It usually goes away after that. I have noticed I don't have any cravings anymore. I mean now, I can eat almost anything again like I used to before I got pregnant. I did notice that I love to eat more sweets than ever. I'm scared to get gestational diabetes so I'm trying to eat fruits or cereal to replace candies (love the peanut M&M's lately), ice cream and cakes. I swear I don't wanna get big as much as I did with Aiden. I'm not hungry all the time with this pregnancy and I'm really happy about that. I try to eat as balanced as possible and I hope I can stick with it till the end so I don't gain too much weight.

Three days ago, I started to feel the baby move already. It's not that strong but I definitely feel something in there. Feels like a tickle and I normally feel it in the afternoon. The doctor said it's normally between 16-22 weeks when you'd feel the baby move so I guess it's about time I should feel it. It's such an amazing feeling. As a matter of fact, while I'm typing this, I can feel the baby moving, hehe! This week, I noticed that I've been cheerful most of the time. I'm actually surprised that I was calm while talking to my family about a certain problem they're having right now. I feel different 'coz normally, I don't handle things like that pretty well. Also, I haven't been taking naps as much as I used to anymore, which makes it easier to sleep at night.

How my baby's growing:

Your baby weighs about 5 ounces now, and he's around 5 inches long — about the size of a large onion. He can move his joints, and his skeleton — until now rubbery cartilage — is starting to harden to bone. His sense of hearing is also developing. The umbilical cord, his lifeline to the placenta, is growing stronger and thicker.